Thursday, June 25, 2020

Uthman Ibn Affan (RA)

The Story of Uthman Ibn Affan 

His Ancestry, Family and Attributes:
His full name is Uthman ibn Affan bin Al-Aas bin Umayyah bin Abdul Shams bin Abd Manaf.  He was born in Makkah on the sixth year of Amul-Fil (the year of the Elephant). He was about five years younger than the Prophet (S.A.W.). His father died before Islam i-e pre-Islamic period. His mother’s name was Arwa bint Kurayz and she died during the Caliphate of his son Uthman (R.A.). He became Muslim early and participated in the two Migrations: first to Abyssinia (Ethiopia) and the second to Madinah.
He married Ruqayyahh bint Mohammad, daughter of the Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.) and she died on the night of Battle of Badr. The Prophet (S.A.W.) then married her sister Umm Kulthum bint Mohammad, to him.

His Title “Dhun-Nurain”:
The scholars say that no one is known to have married two daughters of a Prophet except him. For this reason, he was nicknamed 'Dhun-Nurain' (the one with the two lights). He was one of the ten given the tiding of Paradise and one of the Companions who compiled the Quran.
Uthman (R.A.) married eight wives in all and he had nine sons from five wives.
His Physical Appearance:
He was neither short nor tall with broad shoulder and thick hair on his head. He had a long beard and was good looking. It is said that he was the most handsome of the people.

His time during During the Jahiliyah (Pre-Islamic Society):
'Uthman & was among the best of his people. He was of high status, very wealthy, extremely modest, and eloquent in speech. His people loved him dearly and respected him. He never prostrated to any idol during the Jailiyyah and he never committed any immoral action.

He did not drink alcohol before Islam and he used to say: It (alcohol) destroys reason and reason is the most sublime thing that All& has given to man, and man should elevate himself by means of reason, not try to destroy it.
Similarly, during the Jahiliyyah he was not attracted to songs or entertainment. 'Uthman also used to refrain from looking at any 'awrah. May Allah have mercy on 'Uthman &, for he made it easy for us to get to know him, when he said: "I had no interest in songs, I never committed any immoral deed, and my right hand never touched my private part since I swore allegiance to the Messenger of Allah.  I did not drink alcohol during the Jahiliyyah or in Islam, and I did not commit zina during the Jahiliyyah or in Islam.

He was well versed in the knowledge that was available to the Arabs during the Jahiliyyah, including lineages, proverbs, and the history of important events. He travelled to Syria and Abyssinia, and mixed with non-Arab, learning things about their lives and customs that no one else knew. He took care of the business that he had inherited from his father, and his wealth grew. He was regarded as one of the men of Banu Umayyah who were held in high esteem by all of Quraysh.

In the Jahili society of Makkah in which 'Uthman lived, men were respected for their wealth and for the number of children and brothers they had, then for the tribe and people to which they belonged. 'Uthman was regarded as being of high status among his people, and he was loved dearly. Among the evidence which points to the people's love for 'Uthman because of this combination of good qualities is the report which says that at that time, an Arab woman would sing to her child a song which speaks of the people's respect and love for him: "By the most Merciful, I love you as much as Quraysh love Uthman.

His coming to Islam:
Uthman was Thirty four years old when Abu Bakr al-Siddeeq called him to Islam, and he did not hesitate at all, rather he responded immediately to the call of Abu Bakr. Thus he was one of the earliest Muslims, of whom Ibn Ishaq said: The first person to become Muslim after Abu Bakr, 'Ali and Zayd ibn Harithah was Uthman.  Thus he was the fourth man to embrace Islam.

His coming to Islam so early was, perhaps, the result of what happened to him when he was returning from Syria. He told the Messenger of Allah about that when he entered upon him along with Talhah ibn 'Ubayd-Allah and he presented Islam to them and recited Quran to them, and told them of the duties of Islam and promised them that they would be honoured by Allah. They believed him, and Uthman said: O Messenger of Allah, I have come recently from Syria, and when we were between Ma’an and al-Zarqa', I was about to sleep when I heard a voice calling: O sleepers, get up, for Ahmad has emerged in Makkah. Then we came here and heard about you.

Undoubtedly this incident had a positive effect on Uthman and he could not forget it when he could see all the facts before him with his own eves. How could anyone who heard of the emergence of a Prophet before reaching the city in which he lived, and found upon his arrival that what he had heard was true, then hesitate to respond to the call?
No matter how arrogant a man may be, he cannot fail to submit to the truth; if he tries to ignore it his conscience will continue to trouble him until he either believes in it or dies, thus saving himself from the stirrings of his conscience. Uthman’s quick response was not based on foolishness or rashness, rather it was based on certainty and firm belief that left no room for doubt.['' He thought about this new call calmly, as was his way in all things, and he found that it was a call to virtue, a call to shun immorality, a call to Tawheed and a warning against shirk, a call to worship Allah and a warning against heedlessness, a call to good morals and a warning against bad morals.
Then he looked at his people and saw them worshipping idols, eating dead meat, mistreating their neighbours and regarding as permissible forbidden things such as the shedding of blood, etc. But the Prophet Muhammad ibn 'Abdullah peace be upon him was sincere and trustworthy; he knew nothing but good about him and he had heard nothing bad about him.
He was never known to tell a lie or commit any act of treachery. He was calling for the worship of Allah alone with no partner or associate, and for the upholding of family ties, kind treatment of neighbours, prayer and fasting, and not worshipping anything other than Allah.
So he became Muslim at the hands of Abu Bakr asSiddeeq, and he persisted in his faith, calling others to Islam in a friendly and patient manner; he was content, forgiving, kind, charitable, compassionate and generous, helping the weak and oppressed until Islam became strong.

His marriage to Ruqayya the daughter of the Messenger of Allah:

The Muslims rejoiced greatly when 'Uthman became Muslim, and the bonds of love and brotherhood between him and them were strengthened when Alliih honoured him with marriage to the daughter of the Messenger of Allah Ruqayyah.

The Messenger of Allah g had given her in marriage to 'Utbah Ibn Abi Lahab, and he had given her sister Umm Kulthoom in marriage to 'Utaybah Ibn Abi Lahab, but when Surat Al-Masad was revealed -
"Perish the two hands of Abu Lahab (an uncle of the Prophet) and perish he! His wealth and his children will not benefit him!
He will be burnt in a Fire of blazing flames! And his wife, too, who carries wood (thorns of Sa'dan which she used to put on the way of the Prophet peace be upon him or use to slander him). In her neck is a twisted rope of Masad (Palm fiber)'' (Al-Masad 111:l-5)

Abu Lahab and their mother Umm Jameel Bint Harb ibn Umayyah - the "carrier of wood - told them to leave the daughters of Muhammad, so they separated from them before they had consummated the marriage with them, as an honour to them from Allah and as a humiliation to the sons of Abu Lahab.  No sooner did 'Uthman hear the news of the divorce of Ruqayyah but he was filled with joy and he hastened to propose marriage to her through the Messenger of Allah. The Messenger of Allah gave her in marriage to him, and the Mother of the Believers Khadeejah bint Khuwaylid prepared her and presented her to him. 'Uthman was one of the most handsome men of Quraysh and she competed with him in beauty and gracefulness. It was said to her when she was presented to him:
The best looking couple anyone has ever seen, is Ruqayyah and her husband Uthman.

It was narrated from 'Abd al-Rahmh Ibn 'Uthman Al Qurashi that the Messenger of Allah entered upon his daughter when she was washing the head of 'Uthman and he said:
"O my daughter, take good care of Abu Abdullah, for he is the closest of my companions to me in attitude."

Umm Jameel bint Harb and her husband Abu Lahab thought that by divorcing Ruqayyah and Umm Kulthoom that they would deal a harsh blow to the family of Muhammad or at least weaken them, but Allah chose good for Ruqayyah and Umm Kulthoom, which caused a great deal of frustration and anger for Umm Jameel and Abu Lahab, and they did not achieve anything.
Thus Allah sufficed the household of the Prophet peace be upon him against their evil.
And the Command of Allah is a decree determined.

His persecution and migration to Abyssinia:

Allah’s  decree that all are to be tested is applied constantly to individuals, communities, peoples and nations. This applied to the Sahabah too, and they underwent trials and tribulations that would shake the foundations of lofty mountains. They spent their wealth and shed their blood for the sake of Allah, and this suffering became as severe as Allah willed that it should. The prominent Muslims were not spared these trials. 'Uthman was persecuted and tortured for the sake of Allah at the hands of his paternal uncle Al-Hakam Ibn Abi'l-'Aas Ibn Umayyah who caught him and tied him up, and said: "Will you turn away from the religion of your forefathers for a new religion?
By Allah, I will not let you go until you give up this religion." 'Uthman said: "By Allah, I will never give it up or leave it." When al-Hakam saw his steadfastness in adhering to his religion, he let him go.

The persecution intensified and affected all the Muslims, to such an extent that Yassir and his wife Sumayyah were killed. The Prophet peace be upon him was deeply grieved, and wondered where could the Muslims go? Then the Messenger of Allah thought of Abyssinia and said to the Muslims: "Why don't you go to Abyssinia, for in (that land) there is a righteous king in whose land no one is wronged."

The migration (Hijrah) began, and the Prophet peace be upon him was saddened to see groups of believers sneaking out of  Makkah and travelling by sea. Some left riding, and others left on foot, and they continued marching until they reached the coast of the Red Sea. Then they appointed 'Uthman ibn Maz'oon as their leader and by the grace of Allah they found two ships on which they embarked in return for half a dinar for each person. Quraysh found out about that and they set off in hot pursuit, but when they reached the coast, the two ships had already set sail.

Among those who migrated during the first and second migration to Abyssinia was 'Uthman ibn 'Affan, and on both occasions he was accompanied by his wife Ruqayyah, the daughter of the Messenger of Allah. They arrived in Abyssinia in Rajab in the fifth year after the Prophet's mission began, and they found safety, security and freedom of worship.

The Qur'an speaks of the migration of the early Muslims to Abyssinia, as Allah says:
"And as for those who emigrated for the Cause of Allah, after they had been wronged, We will certainly give them goodly residence in this world, but indeed the reward of the Hereafter will be greater; if they but knew!" (Al-Nahl 16:41)

Al-Qurtubi (may Allah have mercy on him) quoted Qatadah (may Allah have mercy on him) as saying: What is referred to here is the companions of Muhammad who were oppressed by the mushrikeen in Makkah and expelled, until a group of them migrated to Abyssinia, then Allah granted them a place to which to migrate (i.e., Madinah) and granted them supporters from among the believers.

And Allah says:
"Say (O Muhammad) O My slaves who believe (in the Oneness of Allah - Islamic Monotheism),fear your Lord (Allah) and keep your duty to Him. Good is (the reward) for those who do good in this world, and Allah’s earth is spacious (so if you cannot worship Allah at a place, then go to another)! Only those who are patient shall receive their reward in full, without reckoning" (Al-Zumar 39:l0)
Ibn'Abbas & said: This refers to Ja'far ibn Abi Talib and those who went with him to Abyssinia.

This is a big lesson for us today, we feel like our trials and tribulations are so hard but if we compare them to the Prophet and his companions we realise how petty are our trials. We got this deen ready Alhamdulilah, we never had to be prosecuted for our worship. May Allah keep us steadfast and may we constantly remember the sacrifice of the Prophet peace be upon him and these great men may Allah be pleased with them.

Him staying Close to Prophet peace be upon him:
The strongest factor that shaped Uthman's (R.A.) character, brought out his talents and potentials and purified his soul was his keeping company with the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) and studying at his hands. Uthman (R.A.) stayed close to the Prophet (S.A.W.) in Makkah after he became Muslim and stayed close to him in Madinah after he Migrated there.

Uthman (R.A.) tells us how he stayed close to the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) as he said:
"Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, sent Mohammad (S.A.W.) with the truth and revealed the Book to him and I was one of those who responded to Allah and His Messenger (S.A.W.) and believed. I made the two early migrations and I became the son-in-law of the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) and I received guidance directly from him".

Uthman (R.A.) and the Holy Quran:
Uthman (R.A.) was deeply attached to the Holy Quran. It was narrated that Abu Abd Al-Rahman Al-Sulami said:
“Those who taught the Quran, such as Uthman ibn Affan, Abd-Allah ibn Masood and others, told us that when they learned ten verses from the Prophet (S.A.W.), they would not go beyond them until they had learned the knowledge contained in them and how to apply it in deed. They said: So we learned the Quran and knowledge and its application together. Hence they would spend a while to memorize a surah.”

Following sayings of Uthman (R.A.) clearly show his attachment and love for the Holy Quran:.

“If our hearts were pure, we would never have our fill of the words of Allah, may He be glorified and exalted.”

“I would not like the day to come when I do not look in the Covenant of Allah (i.e. Holy Quran).”

"Three worldly things have been made dear to me: feeding the hungry, clothing the naked and reading the Quran.

“There are four things which are outwardly virtues, but in reality are obligations: mixing with righteous people is a virtue and following their example is a duty, reading Quran is a virtue and acting upon it is a duty, visiting the graves is a virtue and preparing for death is a duty and visiting the sick person is a virtue and asking him to make a will is a duty.”

“Ten things are the greatest waste of time: a scholar whom no one asks about, knowledge that is not acted upon, sound advice that is not accepted, a weapon that is not used, a Mosque that is not prayed in, a Mus-haf (Quran) that is not read from, wealth from which nothing is spent (in charity), a horse that is not ridden, knowledge of asceticism in the heart of one who is seeking worldly gain and a long life in which no preparation is made for the journey (into the Hereafter).”

Utman (R.A.) was Hafiz of Quran (memorization of Quran) and he read Quran all the time. Uthman (R.A.) recited the entire Quran back to Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.) before he died.

'Uthman & was hafidh of Quran, and he read Quran all the time. He was asked about that and he said: "It is blessed and was brought by a blessed one." When 'Uthman died, his Mus-haf was worn out because he had read from it so much.

The wife of 'Uthman said on the day when he was besieged:
"Either kill him or leave him alone, for by Allah, he would recite the whole Qur'an in one rak'ah when praying qeyam al-layl.

The words of Allah:
"Is one who is obedient to Allah, prostrating himself or standing (in prayer) during the hours of the night, fearing the Hereafter and hoping for the Mercy of his Lord (like one who disbelieves)?
Say: "Are those who know equal to those who know not?"It is only men of understanding who will remember (i .e. get a lesson
from Allah's Signs and Verses)" (Az-Zumar 39:9) – were fulfilled in him.

His Migration to Medinah:

Uthman (R.A.) and his wife, Ruqayya (R.A.), were among the Muslims to migrate to Medinah. Upon arrival, Uthman (R.A) stayed with Abu Talha ibn Thabit (R.A.) before moving into the house he purchased a short time later.
After the Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.) had settled in Madinah, he started establishing the foundations of Islamic State. Uthman (R.A.) was one of the pillars of the Islamic State and he did not withhold any advice, opinion or wealth. He was also present at every major event except the battle of Badr.

Battle of Badr and Death of his Wife:

When the Muslims went out to fight the Battle of Badr, Uthman’s (R.A.) wife Ruqayyah (R.A.) was sick and was confined to her bed at the time when his father Mohammad (S.A.W.) called on the Muslims to intercept the caravan of Quraish. Uthman (R.A.) hastened to go out with the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) but he (S.A.W.) did not allowed Uthman (R.A.) to go with them and ordered him to stay with Ruqayyah (R.A.) and nurse her by saying:

“You [Uthman (R.A.)] will receive the same reward and share (of the booty) as anyone of those who participated in the battle of Badr (if you stay with her).” (Bukhari: 3699)

Uthman (R.A.) obeyed willingly and stayed with his wife Ruqayyah (R.A.). When she breathed her last breaths, she was longing to see her Father (S.A.W.) who had gone out to Badr. She departed this life but she did not get to see her Father (S.A.W.) because he was in Badr with his noble Companions (R.A.), striving to make the word of Allah supreme, and he did not attend her burial. Her grieving husband, Uthman (R.A.), buried his beloved wife in Al-Baqee (sacred graveyard of Muslims near Masjid Al-Nabawi in Madinah). After returning victories from the Battle of Badr, Messenger (S.A.W.) learned about the death of his daughter Ruqayyah (R.A.), he went out to Al-Baqee and stood over the grave of his daughter and prayed for forgiveness for her.

His Marriage to Umm Kulthoom (R.A.) and her death:
After the death of Ruqayyah (R.A.), Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him married his daughter Umm Kulthum (R.A.) to Uthman (R.A.) in 3 AH. As per sources, her real name was Umayyah and she was older than Fatima (R.A.).

As narrated by Abu Hurairah (R.A.) that Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) stood at the door of Masjid Al-Nabawi and said:
“O Uthman, Jibreel has told me that Allah wants you to marry Umm Kulthoom for a dowry (Mehr) similar to that of Ruqayyah and to treat her with similar kindness.” (Ibn Majah: 110)

Utman (R.A.) and Umm Kulthoom (R.A.) got married in Jumada Al-Akhirah, 3 AH. After three days of their marriage, Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.) paid visit to her daughter and asked:
“O my daughter, how did you find your husband (i-e Uthman)?” She said: “The best of husbands.”

Umm Kulthoom (R.A.) stayed with Uthman (R.A.) until her death in Shaban, 9 AH. Prophet peace be upon him offered the funeral prayer for her. Uthman (R.A.) was deeply grieved by the loss of Umm Kulthoom (R.A.) and Prophet peace be upon him saw Uthman (R.A.) walking broken-hearted with signs of grief were on his face. He (S.A.W.) came to Uthman (R.A.) and said:
“O Uthman, if we had a third one, we would give her in marriage to you.”
This is inductive of the love of the Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him for Uthman (R.A.) and of Uthman’s (R.A.) loyalty and respect towards his Prophet peace be upon him.

The death of 'Abd-Allah ibn 'Uthman &
In Jumada al-Oola of 4 AH, 'Abd-Allah, the son of 'Uthman from Ruqayyah the daughter of the Messenger of Allah &, died when he was six years old. The Messenger of Allah offered the funeral prayer for him and his father 'Uthman went down in his grave to receive his body and lay him to rest. This was a great trial for 'Uthman, and how many are the trials in the lives of those who call people to Allah.

His Contribution for the Islamic State:
Uthman (R.A.) was one of the richest of those on whom Allah Had bestowed wealth. He used his wealth in obedience of Allah. He always first to do good and spent and he did not fear poverty. Among the many examples of his spending are the following:
Before the arrival of the Prophet &, no one could drink from Bi'r Roomah except in return for payment. When the Muhjiroon came to Madinah, they did not like the water. A man from Banu Ghifar had a well called Roomah and he used to sell water from it by the bucketful. The Prophet said: "Will you sell it in return for a spring in Paradise?" He said: O Messenger of Allah, my family and I do not have anything else. News of that reached 'Uthman and he bought it for Twenty thousand dirhams, then he came to the Prophet & and said: Will you promise me in return for it the same as you promised him? He said: "Yes." He said: Then I give it to the Muslims.
And it was said that Roomah was a spring that belonged to a Jew who used to sell its water to the Muslims, then 'Uthman ibn Affan bought it from the Jew for twenty thousand dirhams and donated it for the rich and poor and wayfarers.

Expansion of the Prophet's Mosque:
After the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him built his mosque in Madinah, the Muslims would gather there to offer the five daily prayers and to Listen to the speeches of the Prophet in which he would issue commands and prohibitions, and they learned about their religion in the mosque. They would set out from the mosque for their campaigns and return to it when they came back. Hence the mosque became too small for the people, and the Prophet peace be upon him asked some of the Sahabah to buy the land next to the mosque so that the mosque could be expanded and made big enough to accommodate all the people. He said:
'Who will buy the land of so and so and add it to the mosque in return for something good for him in Paradise?""'
'Uthman ibn 'Affan bought it with his own money for twenty-five thousand dirhams, or for twenty thousand, then it was added to the mosque, which then became large enough to accommodate the Muslims.

Tabook and the generosity of 'Uthman
In 9 AH, Heraclius turned his attention towards Arabia, seeking to attack it and absorb it into his empire. He ordered his troops to prepare and await his instructions to advance. News of that reached the Messenger and he told his companions to prepare for jihad. It was a blazing hot summer and the country was suffering drought and hardship. Even though the Muslims could, by their faith, withstand the brutal heat and set out for jihad across the burning sands of the desert, where would they get the equipment that they needed for jihad?

The Messenger peace be upon him urged them to donate, and each person gave what he could afford. The women brought their jewellery to the Messenger of Allah and he used it to help prepare the army, but these donations could not help much with the huge requirements of the army. The Messenger of Allah looked at the huge ranks of men who were preparing for battle and he said: "Who will equip them and Allah will forgive him?"

No sooner had 'Uthman heard this call of the Messenger of Allah but he hastened to seek the forgiveness and pleasure of Allah and thus this pressing need was met by the generosity of Uthman.
He supplied the army's every need, down to the last rope and bridle.

Ibn Shihab az-Zuhri said: 'Uthman supplied the army of Tabook with nine hundred and forty camels, and sixty horses to bring the number to one thousand. 'Uthman brought ten thousand dinars to equip the army and placed the money before the Messenger of Allah & and the Messenger peace be upon him began turning it over with his hand, saying:
"No deed can harm 'Uthman after today" twice.
'Uthman was the one who spent the most on this campaign.

'Abd al-Rahman ibn Habbab spoke of the spending of 'Uthman when he said: I was present with the Prophet peace be upon him when he was urging the people to spend on the army of Tabook. 'Uthman ibn 'Affan stood up and said: "O Messenger of Allah, I pledge to give two hundred camels with their saddles and equipment for the sake of Allah."  Then the Prophet peace be upon him urged the people to spend on the army and Uthman ibn 'Affan stood up and said: "O Messenger of Allah, I pledge to give three hundred camels with their saddles and equipment for the sake of Allah." I saw the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him coming down from the minbar, saying:
"Nothing could ham 'Uthman, no matter what he does after’’

Ahadeeth of the Messenger peace be upon him about 'Uthman ibn Affan

 It was narrated that Abu Moosa & said: I was with the Prophet peace be upon him in one of the gardens of Madinah when a man came and asked for the gate to be opened. The Prophet peace be upon him said: "Open the gate for him and give him the glad tidings of Paradise." I opened the gate and saw it was Abu Bakr, and I gave him the glad tidings of what the Messenger of Allah had said, and he praised Allah.
 Then another man asked for the gate to be opened, and the Prophet peace be upon him said: "Open the gate for him and give him the glad tidings of Paradise." I opened the gate and saw it was 'Umar, and I gave him the glad tidings of the Messenger of Allah had said, and he praised Allah.
Then another man asked for the gate to be opened, and (the Prophet peace upon him said: "Open the gate for him and give him the glad tidings of Paradise in return for a calamity that will befall him." It was 'Uthman, and I told him what the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, had said, and he praised Allah, then he said: Allah is the One Whose help I seek.
This hadeeth speaks of the virtue of the three men mentioned, namely Abu Bakr, 'Umar and 'Uthman, and states that they are among the people of Paradise. It also speaks of the virtue of Abu Moosa, and shows that it is permissible to praise a man to his face if there is no worry about self admiration and the like. And it contains an obvious miracle, in that the Prophet peace be upon him foretold the calamity that would befall 'Uthman, and that all three would persevere in faith and guidance.

It was narrated that Anas & said: The Prophet peace be upon him climbed Uhud, accompanied by Abu Bakr, 'Umar and 'Uthman, and (the mountain) shook. He said:
"Be still, O Uhud," and I think he struck it with his foot - "for there is no one on you but a Prophet, a siddeeq and two martyrs.
'Be calm for there is no one on you but a Prophet, a Siddeeq And two martyr'

The modesty of 'Uthman:
It was narrated from Yahya ibn Sa'eed ibn Al-'Aas that Sa'eed
ibn al-'Aas told him that 'Aa'ishah the wife of the Prophet peace be upon and 'Uthman peace be upon him told him that Abu Bakr asked for permission to enter upon the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him when he was lying down on his bed, wrapping himself in the cover of 'Aa'ishah. He gave permission to Abu Bakr (to enter) when he was like that, and he fulfilled his need then he went away. Then 'Umar asked for permission to enter and he gave him permission (to enter) when he was like that, and he fulfilled his need then he went away.

'Uthman said: Then I asked permission to enter and he sat up and said to 'Aa'ishah: "Cover yourself properly."
I fulfilled my need then I went away. 'Aa'ishah said: O Messenger of Allah, why did I not see you stirring for Abu Bakr and 'Umar as you did for 'Uthman? The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said: " 'Uthman is a shy man, and I was afraid that if I gave him permission to enter when I was in that state, he would not tell me of his need. "

The shyness of the angels before 'Uthman:

It was narrated from Abu Salamah ibn 'Abd al-Rahmh that
'Aa'ishah said: The Messenger of Allah was lying down in my house with his thigh or shin uncovered. Abu Bakr asked for permission to enter and he let him in whilst he was in that state, and he spoke to him. Then 'Umar asked for permission to enter and he let him in whilst he was in that state, and he spoke to him.

Then 'Uthman asked for permission to enter and the Messenger of Allah sat up and straightened his garment - Muhammad (one of the narrators) said: I do not say that this all happened on one day - and he came in and he spoke to him. When he left, 'Aa'ishah said: Abu Bakr came in and you did not stir for him, and 'Umar came in and you did not stir for him, then 'UthmSn came in and you sat up and straightened your garment. He said:
"Should I not feel shy before a man before whom the angel feel shy?

Uthman during Caliphate of Abu Bakr (R.A.) and Umar (R.A.):

When Messenger of Allah peace be upon him died in 11 AH (632 AD), Abu Bakr (R.A.) was selected as Caliph. In fact, Uthman (R.A.) was the first person, after Umar (R.A.), to offer his allegiance to Abu Bakr as Caliph. During Wars of Apostasy (Ridda Wars) during caliphate of Abu Bakr, Uthman remained in Madinah and acted as Abu Bakr’s adviser. On his deathbed, Abu Bakr Siddiq dictated his will to Uthman, saying that his successor was to be Umar.

During the caliphate of Umar, the status of Uthman was that of adviser and you could say that his position was like that of Umar  to Abu Bakr during Abu Bakr’s caliphate.
During Umar caliphate, Uthman set-up the system of keeping records of wealth spent and earned (the Diwan). Uthman was the one who suggested to Umar that he should make the Hijri Year (Islamic Calendar).

Ahadeeth from the Messenger of Allah about the turmoil (Fitnah) during which 'Uthman would he killed:

The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him mentioned some turmoil and gave the impression that it would soon come to pass. A man passed by with his head covered and the Messenger of Allah said : "On that day this man will be following right guidance." I rushed and grabbed 'Uthman by the (upper) am, then I turned to face the Messenger of Allah and said : This man? He said :"This man ."

It was narrated from Abu Habeebah that he entered the house when 'Uthman was being besieged, and he heard Abu Hurayrah asking permission to speak to Uthman. Permission was given to him, and he stood up and praised Allah, then he said: I heard the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him say:
"You will face turmoil and differences after I am gone – or differences and turmoil." One of the people said to him : Who could help us, O Messenger of Allah? He said: "You should be with the trustworthy one and his companions" And he pointed to 'Uthman as he said it.

It was narrated from Abu Sahlah that 'Aa'ishah said: The Messenger of Allah said:
"Call one of my companions for me."
I said: Abu Bakr? He said: "No." I said: 'Uthman? He said: "Yes." When he came he said (to me): "Move away," then he started to converse with him, and 'Uthman's colour changed.

When he was besieged in his house, we said: O Ameer Al-Mu'mineen, will you not fight? He said: No. The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him gave me some advice and I am going to persevere with it.

This hadeeth shows the deep love that the Messenger of Allah had for 'Uthman and how great was his concern for the welfare of the ummah after he was gone. He told him things that had to do with this turmoil that would end with his death, and he urged him to keep it secret, so that all that we know about it is what 'Uthman stated during the turmoil, when it was said to him:
Will you not fight? And he said: No. The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him gave me some advice and I am going to persevere with it.

From these words of his it is clear that the Prophet peace be upon him taught him the correct attitude when turmoil breaks out, which will stop the turmoil spreading further. In some reports there is additional statement which reveals some of the contents of this secret conversation, and states that the Prophet peace be upon him said to him: "If they ask you to shed the shirt with which Allah has clothed you (i.e.the caliphate), do not do it." The content of the advice mentioned by Uthman had to do with the turmoil and encouragement to be patient and not give up the caliphate, and the hadeeth indicated that he would be caliph one day.

His Appointment as Caliph and Successor of Umar (R.A.):

Umar ibn Al-Kattab on his death bed formed a committee of six people to choose the next Caliph from amongst themselves. This  committee was: Ali bin Abi Talib, Uthman  ibn Affan, Abdur Rahman bin Awf, Saad ibn Abi Waqqas , Al-Zubayrm and Talhah. Majority of the people favored the election of Uthman .  On the fourth day after the death of Umar   in 23 AH, Uthman was elected as the third Caliph with the title ‘Amir Al-Muminin’ (The Prince of the Believers).
When the oath of allegiance was sworn to Uthman as caliph, he stood before the people and declared his approach to ruling, explaining that he would follow the guidelines of the Quran and Sunnah and follow in the footsteps of the two Caliphs [i.e., Abu Bakr and Umar. He also stated that he was going to run the people's affairs with forbearance and wisdom, but he would accept no compromise with regard to punishments that must be carried out. Then, he warned  them against feeling content with worldly things and being tempted  by worldly trivia, lest that lead them to compete with one another and stir up grudges and resentment among them, which would in turn lead to division and disunity.

His imitation of the Messenger of Allah in doing wudoo:
It was narrated from Hamran ibn Aban that 'Uthman ibn Affan called for water and he did wudoo', rinsing his mouth and nose, then washing his face three times, then his forearms three times each, then wiping his head and the tops of his feet. Then he smiled and said to his companions: Are you not going to ask me why I am smiling? 
They said: Why are you smiling, O Ameer Al Mu'mineen? 
He said: I saw the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him calling for water near this spot, then he did wudoo' as I have done, then he smiled and said:
"Are you not going to ask me why am I smiling?"

They said: Why are you smiling, O Messenger of Allah? He said: "If a person calls for water for wudoo', and washes his face, Allah will erase every sin caused by his face. When he washes his forearms, the same applies. When he wipes his head, the same applies, and when he cleans his feet, the same applies.

A word of sincerity and a word of piety

'Uthman said: I heard the Messenger of Allah say:
"I know a word which no person says sincerely, from the heart, but he will be forbidden to the Fire ."
'Umar ibn al-Khattab said to him: I will tell you what it is. It is the word of sincerity to which Allah will cause Muhammad  peace be upon him and his companions to adhere, and it is the word of piety which the Prophet of Allah urged his uncle Abu Talib to say when he was dying: the testimony that there is no God but Allah.

Easygoing nature

It was narrated from 'Ata' ibn Farrookh, the freed slave of Quraysh, that Uthman bought some land from a man, then the man changed his mind and did not complete the deal. 'Uthman met him and said: Why are you not taking the money? He said: You did not give me the right price and everyone whom I met criticised me. He said: Is that why you don't want to go ahead with it? He said: Yes. He said: Choose between the land and the money. Then he said: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon said:

"Allah admitted to Paradise a man who was easygoing in buying and selling, both when paying of his debts and when asking people to pay him what they owed him."[''This is a sublime example of being easygoing in buying and selling which indicates that 'Uthman  was of a noble nature and was not deeply attached to this world; he scorned worldly gain in the interests of good manners, the most important of which was selflessness, for being selfish could have made him give his own interests precedence even if that harmed others.


It was narrated from 'Imran ibn 'Abd-Allah ibn Talhah that 'Uthman ibn 'Affan   went out to pray Fajr and he entered through the door through which he usually entered, and another man pushed and shoved at the door. He said: See who it is. They looked and found that it was a man who had a dagger or sword with him. 'Uthman said to him: What is this? He said: I wanted to kill you. He said: Subhana Allah, woe to you! Why do you want to kill me? He said: Your governor wronged me in Yemen. He said: Why didn't you complain to me about your mistreatment?

Then if I did not help you or settle the score for you, you could decide to kill me. He said to those who were around him: What do you think? They said: O Ameer al-Mu'mineen, he is an enemy over whom Allah has given you power.

He said: He is a person who thought of a sin but Allah protected me from him. Bring me someone who will guarantee that you will not enter Madinah again so long as I am the ruler of the Muslims. So he brought a man of his own people who gave that guarantee, and he let him go.

This is a great example of tolerance on the part of the caliph 'Uthman ibn 'Affan, as he forgave a man who wanted to kill him.
Forgiveness when one is able to take revenge is one of the qualities of perfection in a man, and it indicates that he has risen above his ego, has rid himself of selfishness and has few ties with this world, being strongly tied to the Hereafter instead. In addition to it being a righteous deed, this characteristic also raises a person in status in the Hereafter, and is a wise approach in this world, because if this man who had wanted to attack him was killed or punished, that may have caused turmoil, stirring up hatred in the hearts of his fellow-tribesmen, and they may have decided to take revenge whenever the opportunity arose. But forgiving him would lead to his fellow-tribesmen rebuking him for what he had tried to do, thus the turmoil was nipped in the bud. The one who is forbearing is able to win people's hearts.

Highlights of His Reign as Caliph:

Uthman’s (R.A.) achievements, during his reign as Caliph, are so many. Following are some highlights of his accomplishments during the tenure of his Caliphate (Khilafat):.
Conquest: The most important works of Uthman (R.A.) are the conquest of Murrow, Turkey and the expansion of the  Islamic  State.  In addition  to the  conquest of Alexandria and  then Armenia, Caucasus, Khurasan, Kerman, Sajistan, Africa, and Cyprus.

Expansion of Prophet’s Mosque: Uthman (R.A.) expanded the Prophet's Mosque (Masjid Al-Nabawi) in 29-30 AH and has established the first Islamic fleet to protect the Muslim beaches from the attacks of Byzantines.

Compilation of the Quran: 

One of the most important achievements of  Uthman (R.A.) is  the  compilation of  the Holy Quran, which was started in the caliphate of Abu Bakr Siddiq (R.A.).
Hudhaifah (R.A.) was very alarmed by the differences in the recitation of Quran of Syrian and Iraqi people. So Hudhaifah (R.A.) said to Uthman (R.A.):
“O Prince of Believers, save this nation before they differ concerning the Book (Quran) as the Jews and the Christians did.”
Uthman (R.A.) said:
"Send us the manuscript so that we may make copies of it, then we will return it to you".

So Hafsah (R.A.), with whom the original manuscript of Quran was safe, sent it to Uthman (R.A.) and he ordered four of the Companions (R.A.) to make copies of it. They did that until they had made many  copies then Uthman (R.A.) returned the manuscript to Hafsah (R.A.) and he sent a copied Book (Mushaf i-e Quran) to every reign and ordered that all other Quranic material, other than the sent copies, whether it was manuscripts or entire copies, be burnt.

 At the end of his reign and due to the expansion of Islamic conquests and the presence of recent Muslims who did not absorb the spirit of order and obedience, enemies of Islam, led by Jews, started to foment civil strife to undermine the unity of Muslims and their state. They raise suspicions about the policy of Uthman (R.A.) and incited the people in Egypt, Kufa, and Basra to revolt. They deceived their followers to implement their plan and met the caliph and asked him to give up. Uthman (R.A.) called them to the meeting in the mosque with senior Companions (R.A.) and other people of the city and he refuted their unreliable gossips, and he answered their questions and pardoned them. Thus, they returned  to their country but they concealed malevolence and promised to come back to the city to carry out their plots, which were embellished by the Jew Abdullah bin Saba, who pretended Islam.

His Martyrdom:
In Shawwal, 35 AH, the turmoil occurred and the wrong-doers besieged Uthman (R.A.) in his home (forty days) and prevented him from praying in the mosque and even from water. But when he saw some of the Companions (R.A.) that had prepared to fight them he prevented that fight as he did not want to drop the blood of a Muslim for his own sake. Then the conspirators broke into his house from the back (from the house of Abu Hazm Al-Ansari) and attacked him as he was reading the Holy Quran. His wife Naila (R.A.) attempted to protect him, but they beat her with the sword, cutting off her fingers. The rebels killed him (R.A.) and his blood spelled onto the Quran. He was martyred on the 18th of Dhul-Hijjah 35AH (17 June, 656 AD), and he was buried at Al-Baqee [sacred graveyard of Muslims near Prophet’s Mosque (Masjid Al-Nabawi)] in Madinah.

May Allah have mercy on Uthman ibn Affan (R.A.) and be pleased with him and assembles us among his company.

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