Sunday, July 20, 2014

Change Dust Into Gold This Ramadan.

Assalam Alikum wa rahmatu Allah wa barakatouh

Today I want to talk to you about a beautiful and easy way to get lots and lots of reward …. Let’s try and implement it in the last ten days of Ramadan and then continue after Ramadan In shaa Allah. With this, your reward meter will never stop for the whole day including the night while you are sleeping!!

So are you interested? If yes keep reading

This act will change the dust into Gold

It is the trade or the business of the Olma’a (scholars)

I know by now you just want to know what it is… patient, I will tell you 

You can change all the permissible acts in your life into reward and hasanaat. So you simply do the same acts you do every day but your turn them from being (Mubaahh) permissible to being (Mustahab) favorable and whoever does that for sure will be at the highest level. Allah SWT says: (Say, "Are those who know equal to those who do not know?") 39:9

The Question: How can I change the Mubahaat (permissible acts) to Mustahabaat (favorable acts)?

The answer: You can do that through what is called the smart neyyah….. How?

When you want to do a permissible act make sure to have a neyya to do it to get closer to Allah, e.g. If you want to eat, have a neyya that you are eating to become strong and to focus on your prayers because if you don’t eat you will not be able to have concentration in your prayer.

You are going to sleep any way, why waste 7 or 8 hours of sleep without any reward!!? Have a neyya that you are going to sleep so that you rest and wake up for the prayer of fajr and focus in your athkaar because if you don’t sleep you will simply not be able to focus. 

Even if you are getting into your car to drive, have an intention that you will drive properly and you will have high manners towards others as a means of dawah if they are none Muslim and as a means of Ihsaan if they are Muslim and you are doing this for the sake of Allah. 

That is why the neyya is called the “Trade of the Abrar” the trade of the smart people because they turn what does not have hasanaat (reward) to hasanaat (reward), they change the dust into gold…through neyyah, how amazing is that!!?

The best part of all this is that to have a neyyah is so simple, it does not need any physical effort. Have you ever seen someone telling you: I am so tired today I did too much neyyah (intention)!!? Of course not so even if we increase our neyyah we will not end up with a muscle strain or a back pain…. It is so simple

But after all this do you know what is so odd? Even though the neyya is so simple but most people forget it….. So what is the solution? 

The solution is tawfeeq (success) from Allah SWT. Pray to him ask him to give you tawfeeq and believe me if he sees you serious in wanting to get closer to him, he will take you by the hand to him, he will make it so easy for you to do all sorts of ibadaat and he will help you with the neyya in all your acts in shaa Allah. Allah SWT says in Qura’an: (And those who strive for Us - We will surely guide them to Our ways. And indeed, Allah is with the doers of good.) 29:69

I know some may say: why all this?, why complicate things?….. I will respond: If you don’t want it, don’t do it but also don’t stop others from doing what can increase their rewards. The believers are in levels and everyone gets as much as they work for. Allah SWT says: (They are [varying] degrees in the sight of Allah , and Allah is Seeing of whatever they do) 3:163

Now that we have learnt how to change the Mubahaat (permissible) to Mustahabaat (Favorable), I know some of you will say: I don’t know what kind of neyyah I should do for my daily acts to change the permissible into favorable!!

Ok I will help you and give you some useful examples which you can learn from. 

If you want to go to work, don’t just have the neyyah you are going to work so your salary doesn’t get deducted…. Instead have the neyya that you are going to work to protect your family from haram and to serve your country and serve the Muslims and the people and make their lives easier… this way your work will have lots of rewards instead of it just being permissible… can you picture 8 hours of reward every day plus your salary!!? Subhana Allah Al Kareem

This means you need to contemplate before you do any action. If you want to go to the kitchen to cook, take a second and think about it and why you are doing it. I am going to cook for my family as a means of Ihsaan to help them be strong and do their worship. 
You want to do the laundry for your husband and children, take a second and think about it and why you are doing it. That is why the scholars said to think and contemplate about the mercies and blessings of Allah for one hour is better than doing Qeyaam (praying) the whole night. You are doing so many acts during the day which you can gain reward from. Even if it’s an act which you enjoy, what is the harm of making it for the sake of Allah.

In your studies, have the neyya that you are studying to please your parents and to benefit the Muslims with your knowledge and that way all the days and years of your study will be filled with rewards in shaa Allah.

If you want to play football, don’t just have the neyya to have fun but also add to your neyya to play with manners and to make your friends happy and to strengthen your body to have a better concentration in your ibadaat (forms of worship).

I hope these examples would help you get the point

Some people may say: even if I try I don’t feel like I am doing it for the sake of Allah because I am going to do the act any way so I feel that my neyya is not sincere…. What can I do?

The answer: For you to know that your neyya is sincere is very simple….. Your neyya must be in line with your act…. How?.... I will give you a simple example, let’s say someone wants to turn their act of eating into reward with the neyyah that it is to make them strong and help them concentrate in their prayers, but that same person ends up eating so much until they can’t breathe so instead of the food being a reason to concentrate it becomes the reason to not concentrate…. Here we will tell this person that your neyya was not sincere.

Another example, If the person has the neyya to go to work to help the people and then when they are at work, they slack and don’t take their job seriously and lie and ask the customers to come back another time…. Then we tell this person, your neyya is not sincere.

And the person who has a neyya to sleep to be able wake up for fajr end up sleeping at 2AM…. We will tell them that your neyya was not sincere because by sleeping at 2AM you won’t be able to wake up for fajr all along and if you do you won’t be able to concentrate.

So the issue is not only to have the neyya but also to be sincere in it.

Now lets try and live this Golden day tomorrow in shaa Allah and turn all our acts into reward so our 24 hours a day will all be filled with reward and our meter will never stop. I want you to come back here and report to us how you did and how it felt the end of the day tomorrow in shaa Allah. And we continue from there until it becomes a habit in shaa Allah. 

Let’s get that reward meter to never stop and lets start our golden days

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Qiyamul Lail

Assalam Alikum wa rahmatu Allah wa barakatouh

Do you want to be from Eibadul Rahmaan (the servants of the most merciful) and win the highest level of Jannah (Paradise)?

I am sure you are thinking “of course, is that even a question”!!?

Allah Ta’alah says:
وَعِبَادُ الرَّحْمَنِ الَّذِينَ يَمْشُونَ عَلَى الْأَرْضِ هَوْناً وَإِذَا خَاطَبَهُمُ الْجَاهِلُونَ قَالُوا سَلَاما))
وَالَّذِينَ يَبِيتُونَ لِرَبِّهِمْ سُجَّدًا وَقِيَامًا

What can be translated as: ( And the servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk upon the earth easily, and when the ignorant address them [harshly], they say [words of] peace,
And those who spend [part of] the night to their Lord prostrating and standing [in prayer] ) 25:63-64

Those who spend part of the night prostrating to their lord means those who pray Qeyamulail.

What is Qeyamulail (or the prayer of the night)?

Qeyamulail is an honor given by Allah to those who serve his deen, do good in this dunia and worship him with sincerity. Not just anyone gets to do Qeyamulail!!

I will give you a simple example in our daily life to help you realize: if you have a son or a daughter, they will not get to meet the president of the country unless they do exceptionally well in their studies or sports compared to the rest of the students within the area, city or country. Wa LeLLAHUL mathal Al A’lah.

So Qeyamulail is like an honorary grade. This person who served Allah and their deen during the day, Allah wakes them up at night to meet and connect with him as an honor and a reward for their hard work. Subhana Allah, can you feel the tranquility of that!!?

If you were looking to apply for a job in one of the companies or ministries and you heard that the CEO or the Minister walks on the beach every morning at 6 AM. I am sure you will go and buy yourself some sports shoes and outfit, even though you have never played sports before and may be your belly is one meter away from you!!! But you will do that and you will go walking on the beach at 6 AM…..why!!? Because you have a need and you will do anything to achieve it. We do this with humans, what about the lord of the humans!!? Aren’t we supposed to do more with him?

I am not saying we have to be like the companions of the Prophet PBUH who used to pray the whole night or half of it. We do not have to be like Ata’a ibn Rabah who used to wake up third of the night and sometimes half of it. We do not have to be like Imam Abi hanifa who used to pray fajr with the wudu of isha for forty years. We do not have to be like all those because our iman is still weak. Let us work in conjunction with our iman. 

Qeyamul Lail starts from only two Rak3ahs any time of the night, the beginning of the night (after Isha), the middle or the end just before athaan of fajr. You can do more than the two raka’as if you wish, of course if you increase the reward will also increase. But if you pray just two raka3as and one Rak3a witr, that is considered as Qeyam and when Allah SWT calls on the day of Judgment for those who used to pray Qeyamul Lail you will be one of them insha Allah. 

The best time for Qeyamulail is the last part of the night just before fajr, because Allah SWT descends to the lowest heaven every night. As the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Our Lord descends to the lowest heaven every night when the last third of the night remains, and He says, ‘Who will call upon Me, that I may answer him? Who will ask of Me, that I may give him? Who will ask Me for forgiveness, that I may forgive him?’”

Sadly most of us are either sleeping at that time or in a wedding listening to Music and dancing or committing other sins waleyathu biLLAH . We are missing alot of Khair.

After learning all this, let’s not waste these chances any more.

Let’s have a plan for Qeyamulail:

For my brothers, let us start praying isha in Jama’ah (congregation) and fajr in Jama’ah. The Prophet peace and blessings be upon him said: "One who performs `Isha' prayer in congregation, is as if he has performed Salat for half of the night. And one who performs the Fajr prayer in congregation, is as if he has performed Salat the whole night.''

He (peace and blessing be upon him) also said, “If people knew the reward in praying Fajr and Isha in congregation, they would go to the mosque even if they had to crawl.” [Bukhari & Muslim]

For my brothers and sisters, let’s set up our alarms half an hour before the athaan of fajr, just half an hour….what shall we do in this half an hour?

Use the first 15 minutes to read Qura’an so your heart will open up, and the next 15 minutes pray two rakas and witr or four raka’s. 
Continue with this plan for three months or even six months then increase it to 45 minutes instead of half an hour. Use 15 min. for Quran, 15 min. for Istighfaar and 15 min. for salah. Continue like that for another year and then make it one hour. Use 15 min. for Quran, 15 min. Istighfaar, 15 min salah ala rasoul, and 15 min. for salah.

Once you get used to this, you will find yourself waking up without an alarm and you will see so much khair in your life. You will have noor in your face, you will have a better concentration and will function more efficiently. Subhana Allah.

Qeyamulail is the only form of worship which is completely away from Reya’a because you do it late at night when everyone is asleep just you and your lord. The companions of the Prophet PBUH used to walk on their toes not to make anyone feel them praying Qeyamulail. Make it as your secret between you and Allah.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The best prayer after the obligatory prayer is prayer at night.” Narrated by Muslim, 1163

So let’s strive to not miss Qeyamul Lail even if it’s only 2 raka3a. May Allah grant us tawfeeq and help us achieve this honor Ameen.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Tarawih Prayers

It is prescribed to offer the night prayers in Ramadaan in
congregation or individually, but it is better to do it in congregation than to
do it individually for men. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon
him) led his companions in offering these prayers in congregation on several
nights. As for women it is best to pray at home but if the woman says I feel I
cannot concentrate when I pray at home or I feel lazy then she can pray in the
masjid. The Prophet peace be upon him said: the prayer of the woman in her
house is better than the Masjid

It is proven in al-Saheehayn that the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him) led his companions in prayer (Taraweeh) for
several nights, then on the third or fourth night he did not come out to them.
When morning came he said: “Nothing prevented me from coming out to you except
the fact that I feared that it would be made obligatory for you.”

Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 1129. According to the version
narrated by Muslim (761): “But I feared that night prayers would be made
obligatory for you and you would not be able to do them.”

The number of Rakas:

The best is what the Prophet peace be upon him used to pray
which is 11 rakas or 13 rakas. It was reported in the Sahih that Aisha may
Allah be pleased with her was asked how was the prayer of the Prophet at night
in Ramadan and she said: He never did more than 11 in Ramadan or any other
time) so this shows that 11 rakas is the best and you can do 13 also as per the
hadith of Ibn Abbas that the Prophet peace be upon him prayed 13 rakas.

But if it’s prayed as 23 rakas that is fine also because the
Prophet peace be upon him did not specify a certain number for the night
prayer. The Prophet peace be upon him was asked about the prayer of the night
in Sahih Al Bukhari: and he said: The pray of the night Mathna Mathna (in twos)
and if you fear the time of fajr then pray one and that should be your witr for
the day.

What to read?

It is better when reciting in Taraweeh to complete the
Qur’aan once. This may be understood from the reports in al-Saheehayn which
state that Jibreel used to study the Qur'aan with the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him) in Ramadaan, and review it with him.

Shaykh Ibn Baaz said (15/325):

It may be understood from this that if the imam recites the
entire Qur’aan to the congregation during Ramadaan, this is a kind of this
studying together, because this lets them benefit from hearing the entire
Qur’aan. Hence Imam Ahmad (may Allaah have mercy on him) used to like to
complete the Qur’aan with those whom he led in prayer, and this is akin to what
the salaf did, namely liking to hear the entire Qur’aan. But this does not mean
that he should rush and not be deliberate in his recitation, and not seek to be
focused and calm, rather seeking these things is better than seeking to
complete it.

Majmoo’ Fataawa al-Shaykh Ibn Baaz, 11/331-333

If you do not memories the Quran you are allowed to hold the
Mus-haf and pray but you need to limit your movement as much as possible.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Gheyba And Namimah

Assalam Alikum wa rahmatu Alla wa barakatouh

Today I want to talk about a topic that scares me so much and many if not all of us are falling into this trap.
I will tell you about the two main reasons which cause almost two thirds of the punishment of the grave and if you get rid of those two reasons, then in shaa Allah you have escaped most of the punishment of the grave.

1. Al Gheyba (Talking ill about others behind their back or backbiting)

The problem is not just that we are committing gheyba, but some of us don’t even know what gheyba means? And they do it without realizing. 
Example: (someone would criticize their friend or neighbor and when you tell them to stop they would say but I am not lying, they are actually like that). This person does not understand the meaning of gheyba.

Al Geyba is not to lie about someone but it is to speak about and criticize something which is true and real in that person behind their back. 
If you make up a lie about someone and speak behind their back that is not gheyba…..that is called Buhtan…. And it is worse than Gheyba…….but here we are not talking about Buhtan…..we are talking about Gheyba.

The Prophet Muhammad PBUH said: “Do you know what backbiting is?" They said, "Allah and His Messenger know best." He then said, "It is to say something about your brother that he would dislike." Someone asked him, "But what if what I say is true?" The Messenger of Allah said, "If what you say about him is true, you are backbiting him, but if it is not true then you have slandered him." (Muslim)

Someone would sit and backbite a friend or a player or a politician for 15 or 30 minutes until their tummy is full then they would move to the next person until the end of the day, they go back home to sleep thinking they are fine and their grave will be fine…… I say No…!! not that easy

The Prophet PBUH passed by a grave of a person who was being punished and he said: this man used to eat the flesh of people.

Some people if you tell them please stop and don’t backbite they will answer but I tell them to their face…… well if you tell them to their face, that doesn’t change it and make it halal to say it behind their back.
If you have told them in their face then you have advised them but what is the point of you saying it behind their back?!!!.

I read a hadith which really scared me and made me so conscious and I think twice before I talk about anyone 
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ‘When I was taken up to heaven (i.e. during the Mi`raj) I passed by people who had nails of copper with which they were scratching their faces and their breasts. I said, ‘Who are these [people], O Gabriel?’ He replied: ‘They are those who consumed the flesh of people [i.e. backbite them] and aspersed their honor.’

So what about you…..what if someone spoke about you behind your back?... what will you benefit?

Well I will tell you……….you will benefit from the person who talked about you a lot…. You will take from their hasanaat or good deeds as much as their gheyba ….. so as much as they backbite you, you will be gaining from their hasanaat….. this person has no idea how much they are losing …… and if their good deeds end and they have no more to give……they will be taking from your sins equivalent to the amount of Gheyba they did to you.

Abdul Rahman Al Mahdi said: I don’t want Allah to be disobeyed on his earth, otherwise I would have wanted everyone on earth to backbite me for me to earn all those hasanat….there is nothing better than finding hasanaat on your book of deed on the day of judgment which you did not expect.

It’s amazing how someone would sit all night backbiting and distributing their hasanat and ebadaat to the people….they are so generous in giving their hasanaat away!!

Al Hassan Al Basri was once told that someone was backbiting him…. So he got a gift and went to the house of the man who back bit him….when the man opened the door and saw Al Hassan standing with a smile and a gift of dates …..the guy was surprised as he had no relation with Al Hassan…… Al Hassan told said as he was handing him the gift: I was told today that you gave me some of your hasanaat so I came to thank you.

Abdullah Ibn Mubarak said: If I was to backbite anyone, I would rather back bite my parents because they have the most right to my hasanaat.

Now after all this……you will ask yourself…..what about the people who I did gheyba against them?!….. Shall I go to them and ask them for forgiveness?

The answer is: No…..there is another solution…….. I will mention it after I cover the second reason ……!!!

2. The second reason is Al Namimah and it is different from Al Gheybah…. Al Namimah is (telling someone that so and so said this and that about you or a certain person doesn’t like you or this group is talking about you)

The Prophet once passed by two graves and those two persons (in the graves) were being tortured. He said, "They are being tortured not for a great thing (to avoid). One of them never saved himself from being soiled with his urine, while the other was going about with calumnies (to make enmity between friends).

In Gheybah you are one of three….. you are either the person who is doing the Gheyba and I hope that’s not you…… or you are the person who Gheybah is done to them….. if this is you, I will tell you congratulations for getting many hasanaat which you did not work hard for….and the third person is the one who is listening to the Gheyba….. If you are the listener then you are in front of a mission, if you accomplish it, you will get a prize…!! And the prize is a barrier to protect you from Hell fire on the Day of Judgment….

But what is the mission? 

The mission is to defend the person…. how?..... By saying good things about them or by asking those who are talking to stop as the concerned person is not around therefore, we should not be talking about them.
The Prophet (SAAS) said: "Whoever defends his brother's honor in his absence, will be entitled to Allah's protection from the Fire."

In Namimah you are also one of three….. You are either the person who is doing the namimah which I really hope you are not…… or you are the person who Namimah was done to them and here we have two situations…. Either you did not say those words and they are lying against you…. If this is the case you are lucky, you will be getting many hasanaat….Or you could be the person who did the gheybah which they transferred …. And here you are in trouble and you must repent …. Despite the fact that you said what you said, this does not give them the right to Namimah and they also have to repent……. The third person in Namimah is the one that is Namimah brought to him or the one that is being told that so and so is talking about you.

If you are this third person…. then you have been attacked and you need to make sure you protect three things:

a. Protect your heart from changing against the person who you were told they spoke about you…. Don’t believe this Nammam because their testimony is rejected and invalid even in law because Namimah is considered Kabirah minal Kaba’aer or a huge sin and it defeats the persons honesty.

b. Protect your ears and don’t listen to the Nammam…. Stop them as soon as they start…… if they did not find someone to listen to them, they wouldn’t have spoken in the first place.

c. Protect your tongue from transferring what was said to you to others by saying so and so spoke ill about me … so you don’t become part of the Namimah.

Don’t trust a Nammam. The scholars say…whoever transferred words to you, will also transfer words from you or against you…. And the one who told you that your brother spoke ill about you is actually the one who spoke ill about you….how?!! 

The person who spoke ill about you threw an arrow towards you but it fell on the floor because you did not hear what he said…… then this Nammam came and took the arrow and stuck it into your heart. …

Now after all this….. you will be wondering, how can I repent from Gheyba and Namimah? Shall I go to the people and tell them what I said about them?

No don’t do that because that will only create animosity and hatred and that is actually the reason why Gheyba and Namimah is haram ….. You will say what about my hasanaat…. How can I get them back???.... Shall I let them go?!!

I will tell you don’t worry….. There is a solution which was mentioned by the scholars…. The solution is to pray secretly for the people you did gheyba or namimah to as much as the gheyba and namimah you did, until they get as many hasanaat as the ones they were going to get from you on the day of judgment and you end up keeping your own hasanaat…..And there will be an angle who will be saying Ameen , may you have likewise as the Prophet PBUH said: 'The Dua of a person for his Muslim brother in his absence will be answered. At his head there is an angel, and every time he prays for him for something good, the angel who has been appointed to be with him, says, 'Ameen, may you have likewise.' (*62)

Can you see how serious this matter is….. Please my dear sisters and brothers let’s not take gheyba and namimah lightly…. Let’s strive to stop this bad habit.

Lastly try to speak good about the person you did gheyba or Namimah to in front of the same people you spoke to before so you can correct some of the damage you made.

I pray to Allah to guide us and protect our tongues from Gheyba and Namimah and make our graves a piece of heaven Ameen.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Natural Cancer Vaccine

Assalam Aleikum wa rahmatu Allah wa barakatouh
Today I learnt something new…. A natural cancer vaccine!!
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’alah wants the best for us and does not want us to have cancer or any other disease and as long as we read and implement the Qura’an we will never suffer in shaa Allah, Allah SWT says: (We have not sent down to you the Qur'an that you be distressed) 20:2
Allah SWT placed in each and every one of us a gland in our head called the Pineal gland, it is considered to be the biological clock of the human body and it is also connected to the sight nerve. It is so small like a size of a pea. Every day after Isha this glands start producing a substance called Melatonin which runs in the blood streams and protects the body from cancer. This gland works only in the dark so if the eye is exposed to light the gland does not work because it thinks night has not come yet. So if you stay up at night in the light you are depriving your body from this daily vaccine. Allah SWT says: (We erased the sign of the night and made the sign of the day visible ) 17:12
Unfortunately, we nowadays made the sign of the night more visible than the sign of day by staying up all night and sleeping all day. Our parents and grandparents who used to sleep early in the night and wakeup early in the morning did not suffer from cancer or any of the diseases we hear about today.
A study was done on to types of chicken farms, a natural breeding type where chickens sleep early at night and wakeup early in the morning to feed and an artificial one where they wake the chickens at night for feeding. The results were 30% of the artificial farming chickens were diagnosed with cancer while the natural farming chickens were completely healthy and clear from any disease.
Allah SWT placed this daily vaccine in our bodies to protect us so let’s put it to use by sleeping early. The gland starts working from after Isha until two hours before fajr!!! Subhana Allah as if it’s telling us two hours before fajr is the last third of the night so wake up for Qeyaamulail. Follow your guide and your manual (the Quran) my dear sisters and brothers and you will always be fine in shaa Allah. Alhamdulilah ala ne3mat Al Qura’an

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Khatei’ah Jariah or continuous sin.

Assalam Alikum wa rahmatu Allah wa barakatuhu

We all know the meaning of sadaqa Jariah or continuous reward and how to achieve it, but do you know about what is called Khatei’ah Jariah or continuous sin!!!

I or you may be doing this terrible thing without thinking about the gravity of it.

My dear sister do not upload/share your pictures or pictures of other women on your social media, even if they are celebrities and their pictures are everywhere, make sure you do not become one of the publicist. Believe me you do not need a share of their work.

You and I do not know when we will die, most of the social media programs have passwords on them, you may die today and that picture of yourself with full makeup or with tight clothes will still be online until the Day of Judgment. The picture of that woman you uploaded with revealing clothes and full makeup is still being watched by all sorts of men online while you are lying in your grave!!! Instead of you receiving hasanaat (reward) for a good deed, you are receiving more sins every single day!! Can you picture the situation!!? When you are so desperate in that grave for any extra good deed you can get, your grave gets darker and tighter every day for an act you thought was so simple and harmless.

My dear brother you will also be accountable for those sexy pictures you upload on your profile to show your friends and have a laugh.

Sheikh: Mohammad Ratib Al Nabulsi said:

A person may choose to sing until they die and their songs will continue to be broadcasted on media until the Day of Judgment. Another person will choose the Quran, then they die and their tilawah will continue to be broadcasted on media until the Day of Judgment.

Allah Ta’alah says:
﴿ كُلاًّ نُّمِدُّ هَؤُلاء وَهَؤُلاء مِنْ عَطَاء رَبِّكَ وَمَا كَانَ عَطَاء رَبِّكَ محظوراً ﴾)

What can be translated as: ( To each [category] We extend - to these and to those - from the gift of your Lord. And never has the gift of your Lord been restricted) 17:20

There is a person who built a masjid (mosque) and another person who built a night club. A person who goes online to spread the words of Allah and help their fellow humans and another one goes to post pictures and get attention. A human being is given a choice, so choose what you want and do what you want but remember everything has its account.

The capacity of our houses increases with the space of the land!!

But the capacity of out graves increases with the space of our good deeds!!

That is why Allah says what can be translated as: (And take provisions, but indeed, the best provision is fear of Allah) 2:197

So I leave you my dear sister and brother with a question:

Why will you want to sin while you are alive and continue to sin even after our death!!?

Ponder and think, is it really worth it!!?

It’s not too late, go and delete all those pictures, repent and make sure your profile will do you proud on the Day of Judgment. And next time you intend to share something, think first……

Friday, January 10, 2014


Assalam Alikum wa rahmatu Allah wa barakatuhu

Every year at this time the issue of Mawlid rises on the surface and people start to argue whether the Mawlid is bida’ah or it is not. 

The Question, do you want to argue or do you really want to know the truth? 

If you want to know the truth, please keep reading, I know its long but I promise you, this will answer all your questions in regards to this matter once and for all in shaa Allah.

Allah SWT tells us in surat Al Nisa’a if we ever disagree over anything to refer it to Allah and his Messenger PBUH
{فَإِنْ تَنَازَعْتُمْ فِي شَيْءٍ فَرُدُّوهُ إِلَى اللَّهِ وَالرَّسُولِ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ تُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ ذَلِكَ خَيْرٌ وَأَحْسَنُ تَأْوِيلاً} [سورة النساء: 59].
And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is the best [way] and best in result.

The Quran and the sunnah are the only two sources of Islam. Having said that, full understanding of the Quran and sunnah is something that many Muslims don’t have and that is why Allah SWT granted this Ummah a number of Oulam’a (scholars) and fuqaha’a who spent their lives in reading and understanding the Quran and sunnah and conveying it to us.

With time and with the division between different tribes people started to deviate from the two main sources of Wahi (revelation) and started to follow the scholars and their opinions without going back to the main sources the Quran and sunnah. The Quran and Sunnah are the argument against any scholar as they have to bring proof to what they say. This does not degrade the level of the scholars; instead we assure that no imam from the respectable imams of this Ummah will deliberately say something against the Prophet PBUH or against the Book of Allah ,

No doubt that the scholars of Islam are all intending to explain the truth of what was revealed to our beloved Prophet PBUH and they all admit that they are all bound to making mistakes and none of them is perfect. That is why they never hesitated in going back to what they said and changing it if they found out that they are wrong. Ibn Taimia said that The Khalifa Omar ibnul Khattab used to go back on his words if he found out that the truth is different from what he said, he also used to ask the companion of the Prophet PBUH to learn from them. Oubai bin Ka’ab also went back on his words about not needing to do ghusul when the two genital parts of man and woman touch, Omar also went back on his words that Tayamoum is not allowed for the Junoub and Abu Hurairah went back on his words that the person who wakes up with janabah cannot fast on that day and many other examples. They always went back to the Quran and sunnah if they disagreed about anything and they used to debate and discuss to come up to the right opinion which benefits the Ummah.

Having said that, every year at this time of the year (the month of Rabe’e Al Awal) the issue of celebrating Mawlid rises to the surface which is an innovation made by the people in deen .They specify a ritual in deen and specify a time for it which resembles the act of the Kuffar.

The Prophet PBUH said, "If somebody innovates something which is not in harmony with the principles of our religion, that thing is rejected.". Hadith - Abu Dawud, Narrated Ali ibn Abu Talib 

The Prophet said, If anyone introduces an innovation in the religion, he will be responsible for it. (Good or bad). If anyone introduces an innovation or gives shelter to a man who introduces an innovation (in the religion) he is cursed by Allaah, by His angels and by all the people., Hadith - Abu Dawud, Narrated Ali ibn Abu Talib

What does introducing an innovation mean?

It is to specify a ritual or a form of worship at a certain time to get closer to Allah without any basis in the sharia. It is forbidden. Allah SWT says: Or have they other deities who have ordained for them a religion to which Allah has not consented? 42:21

And it is known that the Prophet PBUH did not do, neither did his Khulafa’a or the companions may Allah be pleased with them and they are most knowledgeable of the sunnah and more loving and following of the Prophet PBUH than those who came after them. The Prophet PBUH made it clear when he said: "If somebody innovates something which is not in harmony with the principles of our religion, that thing is rejected." 

Also read this very clear hadith from our beloved Prophet PBUH on his farewell sermon, he said PBUH:

‘I advise you to fear Allaah and to hear and obey even if an Abyssinian slave were to rule over you. For surely, he who lives from amongst you will see much differing, so it is upon you to be upon my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the Rightly Guided Caliphs. Bite on to it with your back molar teeth and beware of newly invented matters, for verily, every newly invented matter is an innovation, and all innovation is misguidance.’”
Hadith - Bukhari and Muslim, Narrated Abu Sa'id, r.a. 

The first people who invented the Mawlid of the Prophet are the Obaidiyoun who call themselves Al Fatimyoun and that was in the year 400 of hijrah.
Al Maqrizi said: the Caliphs of the fatimyoun had many celebrations and seasons, a season for new year, and the day of Ashroua and the Mawlid.

They specify a day which is the 12th of Rabi and the shariah prohibited to specify a day for a religious ritual except the days that were specified in Shariah. Abu Hurairah may Allah be pleased with him said, the Prophet PBUH said: Do not single out the night (preceding) Friday among the nights for prayer and do not single out Friday among days for fasting but only when anyone among you is accustomed to fast (on dates) which coincide with this day (Friday).

So it is prohibited to specify what is not specified in the shariah and that is clear in the hadith.
So isn’t this enough for you!!? But there is more

Doing so also is a form of resemblance to the Kuffar. How?

The Prophet SAAWS said, "Surely, you will follow the ways of those nations who were before you, in everything as one arrow resembles another, (i.e. just like them), so much so that even if they entered a hole of a sand-lizard, you would enter it." 

They said, "O Allaah’s Messenger! Do you mean to say that we will follow the Jews and the Christians?" 

He SAAWS replied, "Whom else?" (By meaning the Jew and Christians)

Celebrating the brith of the Prophet Mohammad PBUH resembles the celebration of the birth of the prophet Essa PBUH and the innovators do it on the bases that the Prophet Mohammad PBUH is more worthy to be honored and celebrated than Prophet Essa PBUH. They read poems and qasa’aid in praising the Prophet PBUH which he prohibited PBUH when he said also in the hadith: «لاَ تُطْرُونِي، كَمَا أَطْرَتْ النَّصَارَى ابْنَ مَرْيَمَ، فَإِنَّمَا أَنَا عَبْدُهُ، فَقُولُوا عَبْدُ اللَّهِ، وَرَسُولُهُ»(21)، فجَمَعوا بين سيئتين: التشبه بالكفار والتشبه في الإطراء(22).

And the translation I found of this hadith in English says do not exaggerate in praising me which is not true translation. Because the Prophet PBUH said clearly: La Tatrouni which means do not praise me, not do not exaggerate in praising me. He said: Do not praise me the way the Christians praised the son of Mariam, for I am only a Slave. So, call me the Slave of Allah and His Messenger. (Sahih al-Bukhari, no: 3261)

Some will argue there is nothing wrong with praising the Prophet PBUH and telling stories about him. Well here is the answer to your argument with an ayah from the Quran, Allah SWT says: Indeed, Allah confers blessing upon the Prophet, and His angels [ask Him to do so]. O you who have believed, ask [ Allah to confer] blessing upon him and ask [ Allah to grant him] peace.
((إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَمَلائِكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى النَّبِيِّ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا صَلُّوا عَلَيْهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيمًا)

Allah and his angels Yusaloun and not yamdahoun (praise) or yasifoun, so if you really want to praise the Prophet PBUH then say Allahuma Sali Alam Muhammad wa ala Aalihi wa sahbihi wa Salem and he will answer to you in shaa Allah and you will have lots of ajr. None of your poems or qasidah will bring you any ajr and some of those qasidas have shirk in them, I read and heard them myself. And the food you are giving to people, go and give it to the poor who need it instead of wasting it on people who don’t need it. Wakeup my dear sister and brother!!

Also if you want to tell stories about the Prophet PBUH, do it every day or every week with your children and teach them about our Prophet, our deen is a deen of knowledge and knowledge is not given only once a year. It is throughout the year. 

Another thing, nothing in sharia permits reading dua or reciting phrases ayaat in congregation, we know the Prophet PBUH didn’t not do it even with dua which is a form of worship to Allah SWT. 

Now I ask you again what more proof do you need than all the ahadith from him Peace be upon him. You claim that you do this ritual because you love him!! Isn’t loving someone means to follow what they asked you to do and stay away from what they prohibited you to do!!? When you have clear ahadith like the ones I included above what more could you argue!!? Do you think all the ahadith are wrong and you are right!!? Based on what?

Some of the people who support this innovation use this hadith to justify their act. The Prophet (SAW) said: "He who inaugurates a good practice (sunnatun hasana) in Islam earns the reward of it, and of all who perform it after him, without diminishing their own rewards in the least." This hadith clearly says Man San’a sunnah hasanah not man Ibtada'a bida'ah hasanah (who innovated a good innovation) and there is a big difference here. The translation of this hadith as translated by the scholars of Islam, It means who ever revives a sunnah which was forgotten, example if you live in a village where they don't do Aqiqa and you start to do Aqiqa and inform the people that it is sunnah and they start doing it then you will have the reward of everyone following what you did. Unfortunately, those who support the bida’a of Mawlid ignore all the ahadith which goes against it and use this hadith out of context. 
They say well there is a good bida'a and a bad bida'a. I will tell you there is nothing called a good bida'a it is either not a bida'a and you think it is or it is a bad bida'a and you think it is good but nothing is called good bida’ah. The Prophet PBUH said: .( every newly invented matter is an innovation, and all innovation is misguidance.’”) Notice that he used every and all which means nothing else is left so simply all and every innovation

Think about it, the Prophet PBUH will not be telling us Ma'n sannah sunnah hasana and then contradict it by saying whoever introduces an innovation in this deen is rejected if the two are the same!!? Allah SWT says in surat Al Najim: {وَمَا يَنطِقُ عَنِ الْهَوَى} (3) {إِنْ هُوَ إِلَّا وَحْيٌ يُوحَى} (Nor does he speak from [his own] inclination.) It is not but a revelation revealed,). They are not the same so don't get mixed up in this please.

May Allah guide the ummah Ameen. I put this together not to argue but because I love you for the sake of Allah.