Friday, September 13, 2013


Assalam Alikum Wa Rahmatu Allah Wa Barakatouh

Imagine you entered a masjid on Friday and there was 1500 people praying. Suddenly you hear an angel calling from the sky saying: only three from the 1500 will be forgiven from their sins and the angel starts to mention their names….my dear sister and brother won’t you want to be one of those three??!

I am sure you would love to be the chosen one.

The Muslims population now is about 1.5 billion which is 1500 million people and the ones who will go to Hajj this year are 3 million, so that is 3 million out of 1500 million. So if Allah chose you this year to be from the people who will go to hajj then you are from the winners ( the 3%) don’t you wish to be among them?

We spoke last time about the great reward of Hajj which we all cannot afford to miss.

I know we all wish to go to Hajj and we can’t wait for the chance to come. Allah SWT knows how his servants are in need of the reward of hajj that is why he granted a chance to those who are not able to go to hajj. He gave us deeds which if we do; we get the same reward as the Hajj….Subhana Allah Al Kareem

Last time we covered three deeds if you do you can get the reward of hajj while you are at your home country….so let’s continue

Hajj no. four:

The Prophet PBUH said: “Whoever goes to the Masjid for the purpose of learning or teaching Knowledge, receives the reward of a Haji whose Haj was perfect.

(Tabarani, hadith:7473 with a sound chain. See Targheeb vol.1 pg.104 & Takhreejul Ihyaa, hadith:4253)

Imagine Allah grants you the reward of Hajj just because you went to listen to a lecture and acquired knowledge. This shows you how Allah SWT loves Eilm and knowledge so we should always strive to acquire as much knowledge as we can and never have enough of it.

Hajj no. five:

Is the most beautiful hajj because you won’t be alone doing this hajj…it is a hajj filled with love and great feelings. Read this hadith

Hadith narrated by Ibn Abbas (R), Umm Sulaim (R) came to Prophet (S) and said, ‘Abu Talha and his son have both went for Hajj and they left me.’ The Prophet(S) said, ‘O Umm Sulaim, Umrah done in Ramadan equals Hajj done with me.’ (Ibne Hibbaan).

Ya Allah, can you imagine, going to Hajj with the Prophet (Sallah Allah alaihi wa Sallam)??
This would be the most beautiful hajj ever.

I know most of you would think, I still have to wait for next Ramadan to come, I really want the reward now. !!!
You can get the reward now. Have the intention and plan to go to Umrah next Ramadan and you will get the reward from now with your neyya even if you die before next Ramadan …..Allah SWT Kareem and he knows what is in your heart and will reward you for the intention Subhana Allah.

Hajj no. six:

I call this Hajj as the hajj of the intelligent and smart ones. How?
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala rewards us for our intentions. So if you can’t go to hajj for some reason but have money, pay for someone to go instead and you will have the same reward in shaa Allah.

The Prophet PBUH said: "Actions are according to intentions, and everyone will get what was intended.

Another smart Hajj, if you can’t go and you don’t have the money to send someone to do Hajj, encourage someone who can to go and tell them the great reward of Hajj and in shaa Allah you will get the same reward.

The Prophet PBUH said: Whoever directs someone to a good, then he will have the reward equal to the doer of the action. [Muslim (1893)]

Also pray in secret for people to go to Hajj, (Oh Allah send so and so to go to hajj this year) and you will get the same reward and an angel will answer Ameen and pray for you too.

Pray to Allah to accept the Hajj of the hujaaj and you will get the same reward in Shaa Allah.

The Prophet PBUH said: “He who supplicates for his brother behind his back (in his absence), the angel commissioned (for carrying dua to his Lord) says: 'Ameen, and it is for you also.'” [Sahih Muslim]

Hajj is the happiest moment of life…only the Hujaj feel it….

Remember if you have the ability to go to Hajj and you don’t go, you are sinning and you need to repent and plan your hajj as soon as possible. It is one of the pillars of Islam and without it your Islam is incomplete. Allah knows your ability so you are only fooling yourself if you can go and you don’t go….none of us know when we will die….and we will be questioned by Allah if we had the ability and didn’t go.


بسم الله والحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

I know many of us wish to go to Hajj but still haven’t got the chance.
Some of us don’t even know the major reward of Hajj

There is a hadith if you read, you will wish to go to Hajj right now and you will wish to do it every year if you could.

One day Ibn Umar (RA) was sitting with the Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) in the masjid in Mina when a man from the Ansaar and a man from the Thaqeef came. They gave Salaam and said, "O Messenger of Allaah, we came to ask you questions."

So the Messenger (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said: "If you want I can inform you why you came and what you want to ask, and I will do so, and if you want I will hold back and you can ask me and I will answer you."

They said: "Tell us O Messenger of Allaah!"

The man from Thaqeef said to the Ansaari: "Ask." So the Ansaari man said: "Inform me O Messenger of Allaah!"

The Messenger of Allaah (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said: "You came to me, to ask about leaving your house and aiming for the Bait-ul-Haraam and the reward for it; about praying two Rakah after Tawaaf and the reward for it; going between as-Safa and Marwa and the reward for it; your staying the evening in Mina, and the reward for it; stoning the Jamarah and the reward for it; slaughtering an animal and the reward for it; and the Tawaaf of al-Ifaadh."

The man said: "I swear by the One who sent you with the truth! This is what I came to ask you about."

The Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said: "As for you leaving your homes aiming for the Bait-ul-Haraam: then your she-camel does not place its foot nor does it raise it except that Allaah writes for you a reward due to it, and wipes off one of your sins.

As for the two Rakah after the Tawaaf, then it is equivalent to freeing a slave from the Children of Ismaeel.

As for your circuiting of as-Safa and al-Marwa, then it is the same as freeing 70 slaves.

As for you staying till the evening in Arafah, then Allaah descends to the sky of the Duniya and He boasts about you to the Angels, and says: 'My slaves have come to Me, looking rough, from every deep valley hoping for My mercy, so if their sins were equivalent to the amount of sand or the drops of rain or like the foam on the sea I will forgive them. So go forth My slaves! Having forgiveness and for what or who you have interceded for.'

As for stoning the Jamaar (the pillars), then for every stone that you throw, it removes a big sin from the deadly sins.

As for your slaughtering, then it is saved for you with your Lord.

As for shaving your head, then there is a reward for every strand of hair that you shaved, and a sin is wiped off by it.

As for you performing Tawaaf of the House after all this, then by this time you are performing Tawaaf with no sin upon you and an Angel comes and places his hand between your shoulders saying: "Perform good deeds in what you face of the future, for verily your past sins have been forgiven." (at-Tabarani and al-Bazaar--graded hasan by Al-Albaanee in Saheeh al-Targheeb wa Tarheeb')

What a beautiful hadith

Today I want to talk to you about how you can get the reward of Hajj while you are at home….

I am sure you are thinking: is that really possible?

Yes it is possible …

Our beloved Prophet PBUH told us and taught us that.

I will mention things you can do while you are at your country and you will be able to gain the reward of Hajj. However, this does not mean you don’t have to go to Hajj!!….No….You will still must fulfill the fard of Hajj one time in your life when you can in shaa Allah.
This is similar to the prayer in Al Masjid Al Haraam in Makkah…….We all know that praying one prayer in the haram in Makkah is worth one hundred thousand prayers in any other place but this doesn’t mean if someone prays in the haram they can stop praying for a hundred thousand years!!!...... There is a difference between the reward of the prayer and the prayer itself, same thing with Hajj.

So are you ready to collect the reward of many many Hajj in your account on the day of Judgment?

I am sure the answer is YES…..ok let’s start

Hajj number one:

The Prophet PBUH said: 'Whoever prays the morning prayer in congregation then sits remembering Allah until the sun rises, then prays two units of prayer has the reward like that of Hajj and `Umrah.'" Al Tirmithi.

So if someone prays in a Jama3ah and sits after that doing thikr (Thikr could be tasbeeh or dua or reading Quran or listening to a lecture or meditation which is the worship of the heart and Allah loves it) even if you move around the masjid but you don’t go out, until the time of Shurouq (Sunrise) then pray two raka’as
But make sure you check the time of sunrise from the masjid timetable and give yourself another extra 15 min after sunrise then pray….Why?

Because the Prophet PBUH prohibited to pray at the time of sunrise, instead we wait another 15 min from the time of sunrise until the sun goes up a little and then we pray two raka’as and this is called Salatul Duha…..some people say it is salatul Eshraaq but that is wrong because there is no salah called Al Eishraaq.

What about the woman who prays at home, does this mean she loses this great reward? (I am sure all of you ladies are wondering)

Well, there are many views of scholars on this but the predominate view is that if she does the same in her house; she will get the same reward in shaa Allah because she did what is in her ability. The Prophet PBUH said: If I order you to do something do it to your ability.

Allahu Akbar…Imagine!! every morning you get a reward of Hajj…how amazing is that?

Hajj number two

Here is another hajj which you can do while you are at your home country and this time you will not just get the reward of one hajj per day but five hajj per day!!!....How?

Abi Umamah may Allah be pleased with him narrated that The Prophet PBUH said: Whoever walks to an obligatory prayer in congregation has the reward of Hajj and whoever walks to a Sunnah prayer has the reward of Umrah. Ahmad and Abu Dawood. Hadith sahih in Sahih Al Jame3

So when you walk to the Masjid you don’t just get forgiveness for every step you step but you also get the reward of Hajj. Try to walk to the masjid for the five prayers or at least walk for one prayer per day

Someone may ask, what if the Masjid I like to pray in and I concentrate well is far and I can’t get there walking, shall I go to a nearer masjid so I don’t miss this reward?

The answer: No go to the further masjid which helps you in Khushou3 because that is the aim of the salah and in shaa Allah you will get both rewards (Hajj and Khoushou3) because Allah SWT knows your neyya and he knows that you wanted to walk but you chose the further masjid so you can concentrate and Allah loves Al Khushou3 in Salah. The Prophet PBUH said: "Actions are according to intentions, and everyone will get what was intended.

I know by now so many of you my dear sisters are sad thinking that you are missing this great reward because you have to pray at home. Don’t be sad and listen to this great news: you could get more reward in shaa Allah than the men in your household…

With your neyya, If Allah sees in your heart that you really want this reward and you would walk to the masjid just to get it, he will grant you the reward in shaa Allah.

Also you could get the reward by reminding the men in your household to walk to the masjid, so if each one of them does you will get the reward just like them. The Prophet PBUH said: Whoever directs someone to a good, then he will have the reward equal to the doer of the action. [Muslim (1893)]

What if they didn’t do it? Then you still have the reward for your neyya and for calling them for it.

Another way to get this reward is to promote this hadith to as many people as you can and in shaa Allah every man who follows this, you will have the same reward as them without reducing any of their reward.
So can you see how a man could walk to the masjid and get a reward of one hajj but you have the chance to get much more in shaa Allah by doing da’awa for it (calling for it). So can you see greatness of doing da’awa?
Allah SWT says in surat Fussilat (And who is better in speech than one who invites to Allah and does righteousness and says, "Indeed, I am of the Muslims.") 33

Our lord is generous Subhanahu wa ta’ala

Hajj No. three:

You can get the reward for doing hajj after each prayer…

There are certain thikr if you do after each prayer you will get the reward of Hajj.

Narrated Abu Huraira: Some poor people came to the Prophet and said, "The wealthy people will get higher grades and will have permanent enjoyment and they pray like us and fast as we do. They have more money by which they perform the Hajj, and 'Umra; fight and struggle in Allah's Cause and give in charity." The Prophet said, "Shall I not tell you a thing upon which if you acted you would catch up with those who have surpassed you? Nobody would overtake you and you would be better than the people amongst whom you live except those who would do the same. Say "Sub-han-al-lah", "Alhamdu-lillah" and "Allahu Akbar" thirty three times each after every (compulsory) prayer." We differed and some of us said that we should say, "Subhan-al-lah" thirty three times and "Alhamdu lillah" thirty three times and "Allahu Akbar" thirty four times. I went to the Prophet who said, "Say, "Subhan-al-lah" and "Alhamdu lillah" and "Allahu Akbar" all together for thirty three times." (Book #12, Hadith #804)

We still have more rewards for hajj which we can get but I let you comprehend and start implementing this and I will cover the rest next time in shaa Allah.

Translated from my favorite Sheikh Mushari Al Kharraz

Monday, September 9, 2013

AL REYA'A (Showing Off)

Assalam Aleikum wa Rahmatu Allah wa barakatuhu.

Today I am going to cover a very important subject which bothers many of us.

And that is Al Reya’a (Showing Off)

What is Al Reya’a:

It is doing good for the people to praise you or increasing your good deeds so you can become famous among the people and they say so and so memoried the Quran, or prays a lot, or have a high knowledge in the matters of the religion.
Some people show certain characteristics in front of certain people, example: Showing that they are pious in front of their manager so they would trust them or show that they are religious in front of their clients so that they would buy more from them….etc.

The person who does this is not doing his good deeds for the sake of Allah but seeking the praise from the people, this is what we call Reya’a (Show off)

What will I lose if I fall into Reya’a?

The first thing, I would lose is the good deeds which I did….they will be simply gone like I did not do any!!….On the Day of Judgment when Allah SWT rewards the people who did good he will tell the people who fell into Reya’a: Go to those you were showing off to in dunia and see if they will reward you!!

That is why Ibn Al Jawzi said; if you are not sincere then don’t bother yourself and work hard without any reward!!

Why bother yourself and read the Qura’an or pray at night or fast to show off and in the end you get nothing, you are better off relaxing because in both cases you are earning zero reward.

The big misfortune about Reya’a is that the person who does it works so hard and in the end they will be punished! While if this person was sincere to Allah in their deed, Allah will accept their deed, they will enjoy the feeling of a good deed in this dunia, will be rewarded for it on the Day of Judgment and will enter Jannah in shaa Allah. Can you see the difference?

What is even more ironic that this person who is showing off will lose even the people he was showing off for!!


The Prophet PBUH said:
Whoever sought the pleasure of Allah though it was displeasing to the people then Allah becomes pleased with him, and will make the people please with him, and whoever sought the pleasure of the people though it was displeasing to Allah then Allah becomes displeased with him and will make the people displeased with him
(Ibn Hibban/ Tirmidhi)

Losing the people is not the worst thing this person will go through but it is losing Allah SWT which will cost him a lot…..Allah SWT is Rich and he is in no need for any of us.
Allah says in the hadith Al Qudsi: “I am The Wealthiest, and in no need of associates at all, thus whoever perform deeds by which he associated anything to Me, I will certainly abandon him with his shirk.” (Narrated Muslim in hadith no. 46)

Imagine if the angels came down and said so and so is a Mura’ai (showing off) and he was doing all those deeds not for the sake of Allah but to show off in front of you!!!....What will happen?

We will all look down on that person and despise them……………There is a question which shook me when I heard it and I would like you to address it to every Mura’ai…..

Why would you work so hard for someone if they knew that you did what you did for them, they would look down on you and despise you?? And you leave the Ikhlaas (sincerity) to the creator whom if he knew you are working hard for the sake of him, he would love you and reward you?

My dear sister and brother Al Reya’a is a severe disease that needs to be cured very fast before it kills the heart.

How can the patient of Reya’a be cured?

The patient must contemplate and think daily about the following:

1. You must know, when people praise you, they did not actually praise you as a person but they praised the Sitr (covering) of Allah upon you. If this sitr or cover was removed from us, it would be impossible for anyone one to praise us. Imagine if those who are praising me now could see a small screen behind me with all my sins scrolling down a sin after the other… you think they will continue to praise me?

The answer: of course not….so this means that all this time they have been praising the cover which Allah SWT put on me… in reality they are praising the sitr of Allah SWT.

2. The second dose which the patient must take is to know when the people praise them, they are actually praising Allah SWT….I know they said you are pious and you are very generous but despite all that, they did not really praise you, they praised Allah SWT…..How?!!

Ask yourself: Who gave you all these blessings?

The answer in Surat Al Nahl aya 53 (And whatever you have of favor - it is from Allah .)

So how can you show off with something which doesn’t belong to you??!

Let’s imagine you had guests in your house and your neighbor brought you a nice dish and you served it to your guests…….Your guests loved it and started praising you….if you are honest you will simply say: I didn’t make it, it is a gift from my neighbor but if you accept the praise and act like it is you who made the dish then that would be terrible.

A very important question: What is the reason that makes us love to be praised by people?

It is because our hearts are so concerned and attached to the people and we give them so much importance and attention which should be given to Allah SWT instead.

If a sincere person stopped expecting and looking for the praising of others, nothing will affect them whether those people praised or dispraised them.

Let’s say you go to work and you hear that the cleaner dispraised you or said something bad about you, you wouldn’t bother but if you heard you manager dispraised you, that is when you start worrying….why?

Because your desire to please the manager is greater than your desire to please the cleaner and it is incomparable

Fight the Reya’a and don’t let it control you….you are a slave of Allah SWT… are not worshiping people and you are not working for them….this is a type of Shirk!!

So many people don’t think they could fall into shirk while they are actually falling into it every day…….and that is Reya’a

The Prophet PBUH named it Al Shirk Al Khafi (The hidden shirk) because it is hidden from so many people and this was the most thing that our Beloved Prophet PBUH was fearing for us. Shirk is the most sin which Allah SWT hates.

Watch out!!

If you stay away from Reya’a the Shaytaan will change his plans against you and will follow a different route. He knows if he tells you to do Reya’a you won’t follow him, instead he would start to make you suspect that you are doing Reya’a by telling you: You are not sincere… are doing Reya’a…..etc.

How can I deal with him?

You can deal with him by answering these three questions?

1. When you decide to do any form of worship or good deed, who is the one who decides whether to be sincere or to show off, you or the shaytaan?

The answer will be: Of course Me.

Correct answer

2. The one who comes and whispers in your ears and tells you, you are doing Reya’a and is spoiling your concentration during your worship, is it an angel or shaytaan?

The answer: For sure it is a shaytaan


3. Will Allah SWT hold you accountable for the decision of the Ibadah (worship) or for the whispering of the Shaytaan?

The answer: Of course he will hold me accountable for the decision of the ibadah

If this is the case, why do you fear something which Allah will not hold you accountable for?
let him whisper until he burns…why should you bother?

There is no Reya’a by force……if you want to do Reya’a you will do and if you don’t you won’t, as simple as that.

You know what is the proof that you are not a Mura’ai (showing off)?
That it is bothering you and you are worried to fall into it. That is enough proof that you are not a Mura’ai. So don’t bother about the Shaytaan because if you do, he will grow so big in your heart…let him say whatever he wants to say and you continue doing what you are doing for the sake of Allah.

May Allah accept our deeds sincerely for his sake

Translated from one of my favorites Sheikhs Mushari Al Kharraz

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Assalam Aleykum!!!

Today I want to speak to you about a form of worship (Ibadah) if you master it, you will enjoy all your ibadaat which you do everyday

Let me start with this short story

There was once a very expert carpenter who used to build perfect houses. The carpenter was getting old, so he decided to retire and informed the owner of the establishment which he was working for.
The owner refused his resignation and tried to persuade him to stay but the carpenter refused saying: I can’t I am too old now and I need to rest and spend the rest of my days with my children. The owner of the establishment accepted the wish of the carpenter under one condition….!! And that is to build one last house for the establishment to benefit from.

The carpenter accepted and started building. He knew this was his last job so he wanted to finish it fast and leave, he did not do a good job this time and he finished so fast and gave the key to the owner.

The owner surprised the carpenter by telling him: Take the key this house is a gift from the establishment to you for all the hard work you have done in the past years.
He told him: Now you have a new house to enjoy with your children instead of your old house……the carpenter almost fainted, when he heard the news. He wished he knew this house was going to be his; he would have built it properly.

Now that you read the story let me tell you about the ibadah I am talking about: It is (Al Ikhlaas) or in other words Sincerity, if you master this ibadah well, you will enjoy all your ibadaat and not just that but you will enjoy all your actions in this life.

What is Ikhlaas?

Ikhlaas means, all your deeds are for the sake of Allah, not for the sake of anyone else.
You are good to your parents whether they are good to you or they are favoring your sister more than you. You are helping the poor whether people knew about it or did not know. What is important to you is that the Angels registered your work and you don’t care about anyone else.

Don’t be good to your friends or in-laws because you want them to be good to you….No….. instead be good to them whether they are good to you or not. The most important thing, Is Allah satisfied with you or not?!
If you pleased Allah, then anything or anyone else doesn’t matter.

The most important thing is for you to enter paradise….. you don’t need anyone to praise you… is not important that your manager notices you or praises you when you do your job well….Aren’t you sure that Allah SWT sees you and knows what you are doing??!……so you don’t need any human to notice….believe me, humans won’t be able to reward you and won’t know your value….only Allah SWT is the one who can reward you and he is the one who knows what you deserve and will give you more than you deserve.

Allah SWT says: مَنْ جَاءَ بِالْحَسَنَةِ فَلَهُ عَشْرُ أَمْثَالِهَا

Whoever comes [on the Day of Judgment] with a good deed will have ten times the like thereof [to his credit]…) 6:160

If you think like this, nothing will ever upset you and you will never bother about anyone who did not appreciate you because from the beginning you did not do what you did for them….very few people live like this….

So many people do good in their job and treat their families well but if they do not receive the appreciation, they stop being good and they stop the ihsaan and Ikhlaas…Why?.... You should not stop because you did not work for them and you did not do good for them….the most important thing is you get your reward from Allah SWT and that is it….this is what we call Ikhlaas (Sincerity) All your deeds are for the sake of Allah only.

Have you ever asked yourself ….. What will happen to me if I have Ikhlaas in everything I do?

First let me tell you this, Ikhlaas or sincerity is not one level….it comes in different levels

If Ikhlaas increased in your heart, you will be treated differently and specially by Allah SWT…not like any other person!!......and this special treatment is in these three matters:

1. You will be getting more reward for the deeds you do than anyone else, even if the other person did the same deeds as you did.

The companions of the Prophet PBUH used to do many deeds which many of us do now but their reward was much higher because the level of Ikhlaas in their heart which was way greater than us.

Bukhari, Muslim relate from Abu Sa‘id al-Khudri that Allah’s Messenger warned:

Do not curse my Companions! Do not curse my Companions! I swear by Him in Whose hand my life is that, even if one among you had as much gold as Mount Uhud and spent it in the way of God, this would not be equal in reward to a few handfuls of them or even to half of that.

2. The second special treatment: If you fall in some sins…Allah SWT will overrides them for you.

Abu Huraira reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, a prostitute saw a dog lolling around a well on a hot day and hanging his tongue from thirst, so she drew some water for it in her shoe and Allah forgave her.”

Subhana Allah, not every prostitute will give water to a dog will be forgiven!! But Allah SWT saw the level of sincerity (Ikhlass) in the heart of that prostitute and rewarded her for it.

Justice is not to treat all people the same, but it is to treat everyone according to their heart and neyya

Look at the example of Prophet Musa PBUH, he threw the boards which had the words of Allah SWT and broke them, he pulled the beard of another Prophet (Haroon) PBUH and reproached Allah SWT on the night of Isra’a about Prophet Mohammad PBUH….despite all that Allah SWT forgave him, and treated him with very special treatment….why?.....because he did a lot for the sake of Allah, He stood up to Feroun and he spent years trying to guide Bani Israeel.

Now look at Prophet Yunus PBUH, he did not have the status and deeds of Prophet Musa PBUH, so when he wronged Allah SWT once, Allah SWT locked him inside the whale as a punishment.

So there is a big difference between the one who commits a sin and has a big account full of good deeds and the one who commits a sin and his account is not as full or empty.

3. The third special treatment is: the happiness which you will feel in the dunia before the Akhera

The Prophet PBUH said: “Whoever makes the Hereafter his preoccupation, then Allah places freedom from want in his heart, gathers his affairs, and Dunya (worldly life) comes to him despite being reluctant to do so. And whoever makes Dunya his preoccupation, then Allah places his poverty in front of his eyes, make his affairs scattered, and nothing of the Dunya comes to him except that which has been decreed for him.” [At-Tirmidhi]

The companions of the Prophet PBUH used to work so hard to hide their deeds so that it is purely for the sake of Allah. They will be praying in a Jama3ah and cry out of the fear of Allah and the one next to them does not feel them or notice them. Nowadays we see people screaming and weeping so loudly in the masajid. Allah SWT loves Al 3abd Al Khafi (the one who hides his deeds)

Now that we learnt all this, what could stop us from Ikhlaas?
Ikhlaas does not need a physical effort from us. It is a work of the heart and the neyya so let’s not waste it.

But there is a slight problem with some of us. Some of us always feel that they are doing Reya’a (showing off) no matter what they do, the shaytaan always comes to them and convinces them that they are doing Reya’a…… I will talk more about this issue and how to solve it next time in shaa Allah.

Translated from lecture of one of my favorite Sheikhs Mushari Al Kharraaz